Saturday 09.11.2024 -  9:00 - 10:00 - Vet.control
10:30 - 14:30 - Judging
14:30 - 15:30 - Lunch-break
16:00 - 17:00 - BEST in SHOW, BOB

Sunday 10.11.2024 - 8:00 - 8:30 - Vet.control
09:00 - 13:00 - Judging
13:00 - 13:30 - Lunch-break
14:00 - 15:30 - BEST in SHOW 

Teretulemast Tallinnasse 240 ja 241 . rahvusvahelisele kassinäitusele

09-10.November 2024 !!!

NB ! BOB ainult laupäeval


Drive-in näitus on tavaline näitus tavaliste näituseklasside ja hindamistega. Kohtunikud hindavad kasse, välja antakse BIV, NOM ja Best In Show. Ainus erinevus on see, et kass ei pea näituse lõpuni kohal olema. Kass, kelle hindamine on lõppenud ning kes ei ole nomineeritud Best In Show’le, võib näituselt lahkuda. Näitusel osaleja vastutab, et kass on õigel ajal hindamisel kohal. Puuduvad või hiljaks jäänud kassid ei saa näitusetulemusi. Sekretariaat väljastab diplomid ja hindamislehed laupäeval ja pühapäeval hindamise lõppedes. Osaleja vastutab ise oma diplomite võtmise eest, klubi ei saada maha jäänud diplomeid osalejatele postiga. Pärast hindamist jätkub näitus nominatsioonide ja Best In Showga.


09-10.11.2024  Näitusetasu FELIX klubi liikmetele registreerimisel kuni 10.10.2024: 
1 sert 45 EUR, 
2 serti 65 EUR , 

Kuni näituseni (kui on vabu kohti): 

1 sert 55 EUR 
2 serti 75  EUR

Kohtunikud : Marcin Biernaczyk , Olga Komissarova , Linda Riekstina , Marek Chadaj DVM…...

Tühistamine (ilma makseta ) kuni sulgemise kuupäevani  10.10.2024  , pärast 10.10.2024 tuleks kõik avaldused TASUDA .NB !  Selle registreerimisega isik nõustub, et kõiki isikuandmeid töödeldakse.

Klubil on õigus registreremisvormist keelduda ilma kirjaliku põhjuseta.

NB! Oma puuri saab kasutada ainult sel juhul , kui puurikoht on ettetellitud (märgitud ülesandmislehele).
Puurid peavad olema eest ( külaliste poole ) avatud !

Registreerimine e-mailiga



The show is basically a normal show with normal classes. Judging and reports are given out normally as well as BIV, NOM and Best In Show. Unlike in traditional shows, the cat does not have to be at the end of the show .

The cat does not have to stay until the end of the show, but it can leave the show hall after the competition for the cat is over for the day. The exhibitor is responsible for following the judging and needs to make sure that the cat is present at the beginning of the cat’s class. Cats that are not present or come in late do not get results.

After judging, the secretariat will process the reports in the normal way. Reports and diplomas are delivered to the rosette table, from where they can be picked up. Cats entered  for  show  will received diplomas on Saturday and Sunday .When a cat’s judging is finished, the cat can leave if it does not continue to nominations or panel. The club will not mail the left-behind papers; exhibitors are responsible for picking up their own diplomas. After the normal classes the show will continue to nominations and Best In Show.


Veterinary control on Saturday 09:00 – 10.00: , on Sunday 8:00-8:30
On Saturday show will be started at 10:30 , show will be closed at 18.00.

On Sunday show will be started at 9:00 till 15:30

Veterinary examination :

Vet check is obligatory for all cats entering show hall. All cats must have a valid vaccination booklet/certificate, be healthy and free from infections and parasites. It is obligated for all cats to be vaccinated against respiratory virgqal diseases and panleucopenia, at least 21 days before the show , but no longer than the date the authorised veterinarian or official veterinarian has stated in section  of the pet passport . Rabies the validity period of the vaccination starts from establishment of the protective immunity but not earlier than in 21 days after primary vaccination and remains valid until the date the authorised veterinarian or official veterinarian has stated in section V of the pet passport;

Revaccination must be considered a primary vaccination if it was not carried out within the period of validity referred to in the above clause (e) of the previous vaccination. Apply for Rabies only .

the 21-days waiting period does not apply in case revaccination was executed during the validity period of the previous vaccination . Pedigree and proof of vaccination as well as hearing certificate for white cats has to be shown. All cats must have their nails cut before the show.

Please note!  FIFe and EKL Felix show rules apply at all time. Exhibitors are responsible for the health and behavior of their cats for all time. Exhibitors may present their cats to the judging themselves, except for BIS. Cats must be in decorated cages until official end of the Show.

 Invited judges : Marcin Biernaczyk , Olga Komissarova , Linda Riekstina , Marek Chadaj DVM  …..
Closing DATE :10.10.2024
Until 10.10 .2024: 
1 cert/1 cat- 55 EUR, 2 cert./ 1 cat- 75  EUR. 
After 10.10.2024 ( if we have free places ) : 
1 cert/ 1 cat- 60 EUR, 2 cert/ 1 cat- 85 EUR 
FIFe entry form countersigned by exhibitor`s club have to be sent to show secretary before 10.10.2024. Also, please write the certificates the cat has in the current class and your valid e-mail address!

Attention !!! Please send applications for registration in PDF or DOC ( DOCX ) files only !!! NOT PHOTO !!! Photo-applications  won`t be accepted . Thank you for understanding !

Address only for entry forms : 
EKL Felix
Raua 41 /Kreutzwaldi 5 A
10152 Tallinn , Estonia
Foreign exhibitors can pay at entrance. 
Cancellations ( without payment ) until the closing DATE ( 10.10.2024. After 10.10.2024 all applications should be paid! All cancellations with veterinarian documents after closing DATE can be accepted individually .

Person with this registration agree that all personal data will be processed.

The club have a right  refused entry form  without written reason.
Additional information on entries: 
NB!   See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.

For stewards free form application addressed to
For student judges addressed to See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.
Additional information ON HOTELSSee e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.
tel. +372 6571338

Hotel reservations:
If there are free places.

Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn

Toompuiestee 27 / Paldiski mnt 4 , 10149 Tallinn , Estonia , +372 628 8100 

Special offer for Cat Show 2024 in November  participants

Single room:   63.- EUR per night

Double room: 73.-   EUR per night

Price includes:

- accommodation

- breakfast buffet

- local VAT

- free WiFi

NB! Cat in room 15 EUR / per cat / per room / per night.
Maximum 2 cats allowed per room.

The offer is only available for a limited number of rooms.

For the reservation please use word "FELIX " and contact

by email: See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.

by phone + 372 66 77111